Etty Hillesum Education Exchange Event
Etty Hillesum Education Exchange Project
Canterbury – Middelburg
The Canterbury and Middelburg collaboration is a Straits Committee Small Project Initiative, with co-funding from Kent County Council and Province of Zeeland.
The Etty Hillesum Huis and the Poetry Practice Ltd. (Canterbury, United Kingdom) organised an exchange project in spring 2023 on the importance of Etty Hillesum for future generations, in a spirit that promotes peace over war, love over hatred and human dignity over humiliation. The project consisted of an Etty Hillesum Day in Canterbury on the 24th February for schoolchildren and students, and an evening with speakers Klaas Smelik and Rowan Williams.
On the 21st April, the Etty Hillesum House will organise an education event where several speakers from the educational field in Zeeland and Canterbury reflect on Etty Hillesum and her texts in the educational practice. The EHH will launch a set of English-language educational materials, both lin-person and online, bringing to life for young people worldwide the example of Etty.
You can follow this event via the livestream
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